Alafia River State Park
I was first introduced to Alafia River State Park in December of 2016, during my first (and to-date my only) Ragnar Relay experience. Just one short month after this awesome team event I returned to Alafia for a trail 10k because I had loved the park’s trails that much. Naturally, I would jump at the chance to get back on these trails, even though this time instead of running I would hike the course (and still walk away with a medal :)) Best of all? Approximately 60 runners ahead of me, clearing spider webs off the trails. This was also the first opportunity to try my brand new Dirty Girl Gaiters , and let me tell you – they’re worth their weight in gold. I did not know I would love them that much, but after years of collecting sand and rocks in my shoes this is a whole new experience. Alafia River State Park is also a great and popular place for mountain bikers and they were out in full force. Luckily we had the trails to ourselves thanks to our sanctioned ra...